Saturday, September 10, 2011

What would possess a man to sign the worst legislation in American history?

What would possess President Obama to sign his spend-a-lot package? It is by far the worst legislation that ever came out of the US congress.|||Payback for the MoveOn Org types that got him elected. He knows dam well this bill is a joke.|||He obviously thinks it's wonderful. No telling why.|||That is the question of the day! And, yes it is the worst thing that has e v e r come out of Washington!|||Yeah I think waiting for the economy to crumble into another Great Depression would be better and more responsible. *sarcasm*|||It's a GREAT day! The "bill" has stopped three companies in my area to not lay off people as planned but will, instead, be HIRING more people.

This bill should have been larger according to most economist, but it will work.

Wonder what all the nay sayers will do when it does????|||? ? ? don't know|||Pure unadulterated socialist arrogance, plus payback dues to all those special interest groups that got him elected.……|||Probably because, in a nation of 305 million+, your opinion may not be the only, or the best one for that matter.

Edit: Besides, given that the Republicans presided over the largest spending increase, and expansion of government in history over the last eight years, all the while cutting taxes - I'd say I wouldn't trust one of you guys if you said water was wet.

Maybe it'll work, maybe it won't. But it's better than doing nothing, or better than giving yet more breaks to the people that need them the least.|||Seriously? He's the one that came up with it? It's like coming up with an idea you think is fabulous and then, after telling the world just how great it is, you throw it away. Of course he'd sign it! It went to congress FROM the White House! You can't be so out of the loop or so enamored with the guy to actually think congress came up with that thing! He came up with it!

What would possess a man/woman to vote for it is the real question. I know one of those senators was promised an Obama committee post, but I'd like to know why the other two voted for it.|||The worst, oh really?

Even if you dont like the legislation, our nation is littered with bad bills in its history, wrong bills and morally reprehensible bills...

How about acts prohibiting women to vote?

Promoting Slavery?

Is this really worse then that?

How about the marijuana tariff act? That was worse then this...

The patriot act? Please, much worse. And those are just some big ones...

Please be realistic when making claims like that.

But the fact is we need stimulus, if we dont spend we die as an economy. In fact we probably do anyway, because this stimulus is too small... there will need to be more. The bill is actually pretty decent, a couple odds and ends I dont agree with, but the majority of it is going to help... especially the state money and technology investment.|||to as history shows if you can't beat America one way you do it another/ may you,your children and your childrens children enjoy, you are going to pay for it.|||How do you know it's the worst? Nothing has come of it yet. You guys crack me up. Seriously, do you all have a crystal ball or have esp? Because you all act like you know something that no one else does.|||The typical liberal voter and the young idealist students see the bill as revival of the FDR plans. So, the new administration and congress will not stop and spending on housing, job creation, and Detroit. The list will have a Green component. An educational spending bill for the teachers' union and a school building construction plan for the building trades union. So a thousand flowers bloom with this idea and that idea rather than a more measured, rational spending plan. The bloodsuckers who always get these contracts via knowing the ropes will be largest beneficiaries of the "The Plan." These lobby groups know how to get well on any spending by government.

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