Friday, September 16, 2011

Why is it that under current legislation any 12 year old kid can buy pot round the corner?

Why is it that under current legislation it is all down to criminal mafias to say where you can buy drugs, who should sell them and what age group they should be sold to? I think all of this is very wrong. |||Just take a look at who's running the show,I think you may just find an answer there.|||No matter who is in charge of our country or other countries, drugs will still get to kids. |||Look at the situation;

it is a marijuana prohibition, and what happened with alcohol prohibition?

-Crowded prisons

-Overworked legal system

-Flourishing gang activity with related violence

the list goes on, and did alcohol prohibition work?

-E|||Drug dealers aren't selling pot to middle schoolers. Middle schoolers who get drugs get it from older siblings or friends that have friends that have drugs. Not all drug dealers are bad people, but most of them aren't selling them to kids.

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