Friday, September 16, 2011

Copyright laws and legislation in regards to creating and designing a new magazine?

hey, i could do with some information about copyright laws, legislation, working conditions, health and safety etc. does any one know what needs to be considered when producing work for a magazine?|||You can start here:|||You are really vague so I don't know if you are working in-house, are an employee, contractor, designer, production person, etc.

If you are an employee, you surrender your copyright as you are working-for-hire. If you are contracting or contracting on-site (in-house), then you might be entitled to your copyright for pieces you create. It really depends on if they are having you sign a contract. I also don't know what you mean by "magazine". If you mean a magazine company, then there is just general workman's comp. If you are in production where you are assembling, then there probably is going to be some involvement with OSHA.

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