Saturday, September 10, 2011

Can Republicans tell me what pieces of legislation Obama has passed regarding gun control?

Republicans on here seem dead set on Obama being set on getting rid of everyone's guns. So what legislation has he passed regarding gun control as President.|||Once again, Obama is by-passing the legislative process. Check out this link (although it is by no means the only one on the topic):…|||In the White House at the moment, Obama wants to propose a new law that monitors the sale of guns by firearms dealers and tracks the customer's purchases; the government will be alerted if someone buys more than 1 gun at a time, and they'll be reprimanded and/or investigated.

I personally don't see that big of a deal, but it's a form of gun control.|||Obama Planning Gun-control Legislation

In a development that ought to surprise no one, the Obama administration is planning to release its plan for new gun-control legislation within the next two weeks. The fact that Obama made no mention of such legislation during this week’s State of the Union address is hardly an indication that such a move is not on the administration’s agenda; it simply means that while the Democrat leadership is loath to let a crisis “go to waste,” that does not mean that they intend to broadcast their intentions, either.

In the aftermath of Jared Loughner’s shooting spree in Tucson, many Americans took the understandable step of evaluating whether they should take further steps to see to their own personal safety: Many decided that it was time to purchase a firearm. But even as the crime led the public to realize that law enforcement had proven itself impotent to avert one man’s evil intentions, many of the nation’s elected representatives appear to think that the best way to stop future violence is to further hamper the ability of law-abiding citizens to exercise their Second Amendment right to self-defense. Rep. Peter King, a Republican legislator with a history of exploiting crises for policy aims, rushed to the fore with his scheme to create gun-free "bubbles" around "prominent politicians"— a nonsensical notion that would have done nothing to protect Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.), and which has already been rejected by Republican leadership on Capitol Hill.

A Newsweek article, "White House to Push Gun Control," outlines the cynical mentality which reigns in the White House regarding its plan to push for further intrusions on the right of Americans to defend themselves:

At the beginning of his State of the Union address, President Obama tipped his hat to Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, who’s now recuperating in a Houston medical facility. But throughout the hourlong speech, he never addressed the issue at the core of the Giffords tragedy — gun control — and what lawmakers would, or should, do to reform American firearm-access laws.

That was intentional, according to the White House. An administration official says Obama didn’t mention guns in his speech because of the omnipresent controversy surrounding the Second Amendment and gun control. Tuesday’s speech was designed to be more about the economy and how, as Obama repeated nine times, the U.S. could “win the future.”

But in the next two weeks, the White House will unveil a new gun-control effort in which it will urge Congress to strengthen current laws, which now allow some mentally unstable people, such as alleged Arizona shooter Jared Loughner, to obtain certain assault weapons, in some cases without even a background check.

The recent tactics employed by opponents of the Second Amendment have turned away from the direct assault strategy of the past; rather than simply trying to ban firearm ownership, those who oppose the right of self-defense are endeavoring to hamper the free exercise of that right, either by restricting access to ammunition (as was recently ruled unconstitutional in California) or by proposing mandatory insurance, which could make gun ownership unaffordable for the many of the nation’s poorest citizens.

The latest tactic invoked references to the widely publicized discussions of the mental state of Jared Loughner. For the Left, discrimination against mental illness is the one form discrimination that serves the public good; profiling based on race, religion, gender, etc. may be illegal, but the label of “mental illness” — without regard to the type of illness, or its severity — is the sort of profiling that advances their agenda.

According to an article posted at, meetings are already being conducted behind closed doors to determine whether the nation’s laws that criminalize gun ownership by the “mentally ill” are sufficiently draconian. As usual, the focus of such discussions seems to be on whether or not the government is already encroaching sufficiently on the privacy of American citizens to adequately encroach on their right to self-defense:

Following the Virginia Tech tragedy, Congress unanimously passed a law designed to bolster the NICS system by providing states with financial incentives to report records of mental illness (and other red-flag cases) to the FBI. The NICS Improvement Amendments Act was supported by the NRA and signed by then-President George W. Bush in early 2008, but reporting by states remains voluntary....

On Monday, Mayors Against Illegal Guns — a group headed by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Boston Mayor Thomas Menino — introduced a proposal to require states to report mental health records, drug-abuse histories, domestic violence cases and other red flags to NICS. The proposal would also require unlicensed gun dealers to perform NICS background checks — a step not mandated under current law.

“|||Yet ANOTHER Democrat proves she CANNOT make a point HONESTLY.

As literally all of the non-retarded know, "what pieces of legislation" a President PASSED is an idiotic indicator of his WISHES.

%26gt; He lobbied against self-defense as a mitigating factor in "gun REGISTRATION crimes."

%26gt; He asked Congress to give Holder plenary power to ban ALL civilian firearm POSSESSION.

%26gt; He asked our delegate to the U.N. to favor giving the U.N. power to enforce it's gun-ban agenda IN the U.S.

%26gt; He ordered interdiction of about A MILLION U.S. made, perfectly ordinary, completely legal rifles to prevent their return to the U.S. market.

%26gt; He UNLAWFULLY ordered separate and unequal BATFE rules in "border states" in alleged response to a crime wave he deliberately caused.

Can you think of ANYTHING he's done to support the dishonest image you want to paint? I'll save you one: The CREDIT CONTROL bill he signed that had an amendment about guns in National Parks only reiterated EXISTING law. You don't have anything else.|||None, he hasn't even mentioned guns. Just like the republicans never mentioned jobs after they won. But don't worry, as election time rolls near, we'll hear the same chant about Obama coming after your guns. And it won't only be from republicans. It will be from the NRA, and any gun manufacture, and seller. Because they made a bung load of money using that tactic, and they want to do it again.|||@Marko and The Blunt Truth!:

if you are reffering to project gunRUNNER, then you need to do some research. That operation, although still found a bit controversial, sometimes included transferring firearms to drug cartels in order to take down the cartel. Setting them up for purchasing of weapons was more evidence in the cases against them. Nothing in the design and plan of that operation had anything to do with eliminating LEGAL gun sales in the US.|||…

He doesn't think any legislation concerning gun controls would pass the republican controlled House so he is considering writing an executive order. I'm not sure what that order would be. His transparency is clouded as usual.

Legislation! That's the whole point. He's skipping congress to get what he wants. You people would let him decide your menu everyday.|||He hasn't...but that doesn't mean he wouldn't if he had the opportunity. Even when he had both chambers of Congress, it wouldn't have flown because there are too many moderate Deomcrats that would have voted it down. Mostly only the lunatic-fringe left is anti-gun, and there will never be enough of them in the federal government to do anything. Libs will just keep limiting our freedom to bear arms more and more on the state level, in places like NY, CA, MA, and other liberal cesspools.|||His Attorney General Eric Holder has been found guilty of allowing ATF to permit sales of US Weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels so that he can then create a justification for banning such weapons in border states.|||1. The President doesn't pass legislation, the Legislators pass legislation.

2. Obama has bragged to Sarah Brady that he doesn't have to use legal methods to ban guns, that he is working "under the radar" to ban guns without any legislation.|||The president is not a legislator he is an executive

Obama has endorses the Illinois handgun ban


Obama cosponsored the 2000 bill that attempted to limit gun purchases to 1 gun per month

Obama has also voiced a favorable opinion towards a federal ban on semi-automatics.|||I haven't heard Obama talk about gun control. He's been too busy making me try to buy a health insurance policy, telling me to sacrifice and that there is "a point where you've made enough money".

I just want to make $3 million a year (you know like he does), then I'll stop....I SWEAR.|||obama is a big believer in using bureaucracies to enforce laws. he knows he can,t win with legislation. he then attempts to create situations that demand "action". operation "gunrunner" ring any bells? don,t tell me he doesn,t know about that.|||He's too scared to do anything like that but his record in Illinois and the senate stand for themselves.

He engineered "operation gunwalker" to create a disaster so he could pass anti-gun legislation prior to the elections next year but he got caught.|||He knows better. No way he could get it passed, but his history is that he hates guns and does not believe in the 2nd amendment

On the other hand, check out "operation gun runner" and "operation fast and furious"|||He hasn't passed or even proposed any -- yet --, but every Democrat administration since Kennedy has seen the whittling away at our right to personal ownership of firearms so it's not surprising that so many of us are just waiting for the shoe to drop.|||hes going to issue an executive order to monitor gun sails in the south, clearly a violation of the 2nd amendment, and the fact that hes planning on completely bypassing congress...AGAIN!... makes me sick!|||Obama has realized he cant pass unpopular legislation so hes acting on decree. 1st having Holder move firearms out of the USA and out of the hands of Americans and 2) Now decreeing that arms dealers report sales of specific types of arms.|||Well we know how he feels about guns - see this:…

He will do what he wants using Executive Orders.|||he's proposed it a lot, and it always seems to be on the table. he hasn't passed any because he has not been allowed to. And that's a good thing. We plan to keep it that way.|||1. Allowing guns in National Parks and National Forests.

2. Selling guns to Mexican drug cartels...|||Anyone else notice from the string of answers to this question that conservatives can turn the answer "ZERO" into a conspiracy theory?|||None--Nada--Nyet, MI ME, Nit Noy. Niente,|||Apparently not.|||He is attempting to do an end run around Congress right now.|||I have heard very few say such things.|||NONE

GOP is home schooled

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