Saturday, September 10, 2011

What legislation allowed for the sale of Junk food is school?

I was put under the impression that it was the Farm Bill, but I'm not sure. I think this legislation was from the 90's and was due to large food companies like Coke lobbying Congress. Thank you.|||You're looking at it "bass-akwards".

In the US there is something called "The principal of legality". This is the fundamental basis of all law. What it says is that EVERYTHING is legal, unless a law specifically forbids it.

So no law would have been needed to 'allow' junk food sales in schools - it was perfectly legal until, in some places, they passed laws forbidding it.

Richard|||Why are you under the impression that legislation was needed to allow vending machines in school?|||Interesting question. I wouldn't have guessed that legislation was needed to allow it.

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