Saturday, September 10, 2011

Should congress pass legislation banning members of ACORN from coming within 300 feet of a cemetery?

I have written to my congressman to ask that he propose this legislation but I never heard back. Would you support this legislation as an important step in protecting the legitimacy of our elections?|||This is a common misconception.

What happened with acorn is as follows:

ACORN hires people to get people to register to vote. They are paid by the hour but have quotas. IE you cant just sit around all day and get paid.

The workers hired for whatever reason had then couldn't match those quotas so they filled out false registration forms. When ACORN saw these false registration forms they promptly reported it to the officials. (By law any registration form they have they have to turn in.)

One incident had a name of Mickey Mouse. So in order for a person to commit voter fraud someone would have to have gone in with a government ID with a matching address and name of Mickey Mouse.

To date there has not been one case of someone attempting this.

So based on how ACORN told authorities that they had extremely questionable registration forms (policing themselves) I do not think that this would be legislation that I would support.|||Lol

Come to think of it, that's a good idea.|||Yes, and chicken coops too.|||Where are they gonna bury them?|||ACORN earns nearly half of its money signing up the dead to vote

but then again, that's the Chicago way !!

And of course, the Obama Way Too !!|||how many liberal nuts does it take to make an acorn? they should just ban them period|||they need to ban ALL lobbyist - this is a serious non partisan issue that is gutting our pocket books and country.

stop making this a partisan issue - a fool is a fool is a fool - don't matter which party - it is the power of money - we are the pawns.

as long as we finger point we miss the real issue - might make you feel good to do so but still makes you a fool.|||the acorn bashers are sore losermen.|||Little unknown ACORN cannot decide the votes for 69 million who voted for President Obama.Admit and accept your loss,my advice would be move on like a bad piece of pu$$y just forget that you smelled it and get on with your life|||No.

What a totally ridiculous question.|||There should be a ban on ACORN period!!!

Wow, thus far two thumbs down in support for a corrupt organization. Get informed pinheads.|||No. Got any intelligent suggestions?

The GOP lost.|||Did you think that up all on your own or did you mommie help you. TROLL!

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