Monday, August 29, 2011

What legislation has been passed since Obama has been President?

I hear so many of the talking heads discussing the things that Obama has done or not done since he had been in office. I know nothing on health care has passed through Congress. So what specific legislation has been pushed through since January?|||Hey guy above me, Bush shoved a stimulas bill down your throat way faster than Obama did, Did you care about that one.

Hey guy asking the question, I know that you're hoping that no one will be able to name any legislation, but how about you look it up, rather than ask a group comprised mainly of children and shut-ins. You can read senate committee hearings and sessions on C-SPAN or go directly to the President's website. It's all public record.|||The pundits are saying that his stimulus legislation is a huge failure for the American people and a big money, taxpayer funded, give away into the already deep pockets of business executives.

Unemployed Americans would greatly appreciate good job opportunities instead of the campaign rhetoric for "change" that OHbama shilled on us all. OHbama's "change" isn't putting food on the table or paying the mortgage.

The billions and billions of give away dollars should have been given directly to the people who need it most!|||You can go to… to see his promises kept vs. broken.

For Presidental action you can visit this page-…|||Soon, were going to be forced to buy health care, unless they take it off the bill, otherwise go to jail for a year and fined 25000|||Well let me see, he got ahhuhhhmmahhhhhummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwell he ahhhh ummmm.I'll get back to you in a couple of yrs. Nothing is ringing a bell at this point.||||||no more waterboarding or torture.|||It's all on the website.|||The stimulus bill got shoved down our throats. That was huge

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