Friday, September 16, 2011

Can anyone on here point to any specific Democratic legislation or policy which led to the economic collapse?

I mean, Republicans were in power until 2006. Democrats came into power in 2007 and all of a sudden financial institutions started showing weakness. Now, exactly what kind of Democratic policies or legislation was passed that could of caused this??

Republicans, please explain your logic to me on this one.|||strange thing is you answered your own question

Democrats came into power in 2007 and all of a sudden financial institutions started showing weakness.|||1977 -鈥?/a>

Some people keep forgetting that the major collapse was due to the housing market collapse (along with lending market in general) which was due to decades of promoting bad loans to people who normally would not be qualified. And they were primarily Democrat policies.

As for prolonging the recession, it's mainly the uncertainly that keeps things going slow. They've set a precedent of unexpected government interference at any time, which causes companies and investors to be very cautious about spending any money to expand. Why invest money if you won't get any of it back if things go bad and the government takes over the bankruptcy for your industry? Also, the stimulus type policies were way too specifically targeted and didn't focus on much that would generate long term economic and job growth. It was more related to gifts to Democrat donor groups.|||They are only going to yap about Fannie Mar and Freddie Mac, and try and blame it on the CRA, which was passed 43 years ago.

Conservatives are irresponsible. Why can't you admit it. Most of the population still thinks the Republicans caused the recession.|||This past recession started at the end of 2007 and the circumstances that created it was years in the making long before that under a Republican controlled congress. So saying it happen because the Democrats took control of congress is nothing but foolish Republican rhetoric.|||You find any we had six years of tax cuts for the top two percent $750 billion, regulations leaving businesses and large corporations going overseas so they wouldn't have to pay minimum wage not to mention a job loss rate of over 300,000 a month while bush was in office.|||There is no one piece of legislation supported by either party that is solely responsible for the economic collapse. The fact that you would ask a question like this, clearly shows your ignorance on the subject.|||Its not about making legislation, its is more about the Dems blocking legislation and making getting credit easy for those who could not pay it back.|||President Woodrow Wilson and the Federal Reserve Act 1913- the federal reserve prints money out of thin air, and Obama has allowed this institution to exist. In fact he reappointed Ben Bernanke as chairman of it.|||They can't, but that won't stop them from lying about something to make themselves feel better.

Republicants are partisans, not patriots.|||I can't point to any Democratic legislations that led to our current crisis, but I could list over a dozen Republican legislations.|||You mean the EXACT piece of LEGISLATION that hobbled America's economy?

This should be interesting.|||I'll name just one. Obamacare. In addition, the uncertainty of this administration in it's actions is having a devastating effect.|||Freddi, Fannie, Chris Dodd, Barney Frank.

Once you start connecting those dots you will get the big picture of how we got to where we are today.|||They can't because it doesn't exist.|||Federal Reserve Bank, SS, Medicare, Food Stamps, Welfare, UN etc etc etc.

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